Research Committee at IACER

Research Committee at IACER

The Research Committee at the Institute of Advanced Communication, Education, and Research (IACER) is the principal body responsible for developing, promoting, and overseeing academic research activities within the institution. This committee also ensures coordination with external research funding bodies to facilitate and enhance research initiatives.

SN Designation Details Remarks
1 Head Professor Dr. Shreedhar Gautam Profile Link
2 Member Professor Dr. Arun Gupto Profile Link
3 Member Professor Dr. Sangita Raymajhi Profile Link
4 Member Krishna Prasad Niroula


Roles and Responsibilities of the Research Committee

  • Policy Formulation and Implementation: The committee is tasked with developing policies and strategies that foster a conducive environment for research at IACER. It ensures that these policies are effectively implemented and monitored.
  • Coordination and Collaboration: The committee works closely with various academic departments and research funding institutions to ensure seamless coordination and collaboration. This includes securing the necessary funding and resources to support research activities.
  • Guidelines and Support: It provides comprehensive guidelines and policy support for research activities. This encompasses the formulation of research proposals, report writing guidelines, and evaluation procedures.
  • Recommendation and Approval: The committee recommends research policies, strategies, and action plans to the IACER Academic Council for approval. It also approves expert rosters to facilitate ongoing and future research endeavors.

Oversight and Monitoring: The committee is responsible for the oversight and monitoring of all research activities at IACER, ensuring compliance with established guidelines and the achievement of research objectives.