IACER is committed to enhancing its students’ ability to communicate with confidence and clarity, a recognized must for today’s educational and corporate leaders. To this end we have established IACER Writing Center, which assists students with their writing through peer-led workshops and mentoring sessions.
From 2011, Prof. Gayatri Spivak and scholars from Columbia University have been regularly conducting workshops with institute’s researchers.
Rethinking South Asian Studies is an academic project. From 2008, IACER has initiated South Asia discourse with South Asian and U. S. academicians. Writers like Prof. Ashish Nandy and Prof. Susie Tharu of Subaltern Collective participated in the early workshops. From 2011, Prof. Gayatri Spivak and scholars from Columbia University has been regularly conducting workshops with institute’s researchers.
We have developed courses and conducting research on New Regionalism. The focus is to develop comparative regional studies as a rubric that maintains the importance of regional knowledge while contributing to general theory building using inductive intra-regional, cross-regional, inter-regional comparison. Treating regions as theoretically-grounded analytical categories, rather than inert or innate geographical entities, can help inform both quantitative and qualitative attempts to build general theory.
A graduate degree is a substantial investment in your future, and at IACER we encourage all the students to take advantage of the academic support the college provides. IACER Writing Center help students improve their writing skills by supervision and editing, and by helping on various writing assignments. Online resource materials and workshops are the major activities of the Center.
From Fall, 2015, Writing Center provides instant editing of 100 to 200 word write ups. We request students to fix appointments with the Center’s Coordinator to use this facility.
Writing centers all over the world, especially those in North America, have been proven to empower students to substantially improve their writing and arguing skills, and IACER is the first institution in Nepal to offer a facility of this kind to its students. Our skillfully designed workshops will provide you with an in-depth understanding of how to approach and tackle different aspects of writing, and our mentoring program will pair you with peer tutors who have the desire and ability to engage in meaningful dialogue about your writing.
The digitalization of the entire library system is on the process. At present we have access to thousands of online journal, hard copies, and nearly ten thousand online books. Registered students can access information about the library materials from anywhere in the world.
To work on South Asian research, we are going to begin with opening up a Spivak Corner which will provide students writings and visual by and on Gayatri Spivak. The Corner will be a writer’s archive of its own kind. We plan to include more writers in this project.
Additionally, IACER is equipped with a computer lab and an extensive collection of written and online library resources to help students develop their writing and critical thinking skills.
IACER Writing Center is a space where students critically evaluate their ideas and arguments and strengthen the technical aspects of their writing by participating in writing workshops and engaging in conversation with peers.