Student-centered, interactive, portfolio assessment, minimal lecturing, one-on-one or group guidance off the classroom, co-creating knowledge with peers and instructor.
Specialization and areas of interest: Posthumanism; Science and Technology Studies; Animal Studies; Posthuman Environmental Studies; Posthuman Disability Studies; Human and Artificial Intelligence; Second-order Cybernetics; Object-Oriented Ontology; Sociology of Science (Actor-Network Theory); Systems Theory; Post-Marxism; Philosophy of Civitas; Political Philosophy (city, citizen, migrants and refugee rights); Philosophy of Ethics and Law; Bioethics; Philosophy of Money and Work; and World Literature.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Intro to Fiction; Technical Communication & Rhetoric, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA (2006-2010)
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Freshman Composition; Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA (2003-2005)
Graduate Teaching Assistant, English Writing (Composition); Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, New Mexico, USA (1998-2002)